Improving Strawberry Quality and Yield with HaifaStim™ Promo

A field trial conducted in Poland during the 2024 growing season evaluated the impact of HaifaStim™ Promo on strawberry (cv. Falco) yield and quality. The trial proved that adding HaifaStim™ Promo to the nutritional program  leads to 

  • Earlier maturation

  • Higher yield

  • Larger, better shaped fruits

  • Improved post-harvest durability

These findings highlight HaifaStim™ Promo as an effective solution for enhancing both productivity and fruit quality in strawberry cultivation.



Strawberries are delicate fruits, often facing challenges related to yield quality and shelf life. These challenges may increase when environmental stresses affect the plants. However, careful nutrition management and addition of the correct biostimulants can significantly enhance key quality parameters, including appearance, flavor, and shelf life.

To explore an effective approach to improving strawberry yield quality, a trial was conducted in Poland during the 2024 growing season to evaluate the impact of the Haifa strategy.

HaifaStim™ Promo is a unique formulation that combines the benefits of multiple biomolecules, working in synergy with essential physiological processes in plants. It enhances photosynthesis, protein synthesis, and nucleic acid metabolism—key factors in optimizing plant growth and fruit development.


Trial Set-up

Location: Uniszowice, Lublin region, Poland
Crop: Strawberry (cv. Falco)


  1. Control: No additional treatment
  2. Standard Practice: Nutrition and plant protection following standard protocols
  3. HaifaStim™ Treatment: Standard practice supplemented with bi-weekly Nutrigation™ of 3 L/ha HaifaStim™ Promo


Increased Marketable Yield


Marketable Yield (g/plant)

Average Fruit Weight (g)




Standard Practice




(+7.3% vs. Control)


The results demonstrated a 7.3% increase in marketable yield with HaifaStim™ Promo compared to the control and 4.1% higher than the standard practice. This improvement was largely driven by an increase in fruit weight, leading to larger strawberries, and by lower number of misshaped fruits. 


Earlier Fruit Bearing

HaifaStim™ Promo also accelerated fruit development, leading to an earlier harvest. By the second harvest 89.81% of the total yield was harvested, compared to 83.56% of total yield in with the standard practice and 79.87% with the control.

This faster fruit development can provide growers with an advantage in reaching the market sooner, potentially fetching better prices.


Improved Shelf Life

To assess post-harvest durability, strawberry samples were stored at room temperature (~20°C) for five days (120 hours). The fruits varied in size and maturity level, and weight loss was measured after 96 and 120 hours.

HaifaStim™ Promo-treated strawberries exhibited the lowest weight loss, indicating better moisture retention and extended shelf life—a key factor in maintaining marketability and reducing post-harvest losses.

Shelf-life evaluation of HaifaStim™-treated strawberries: minimal weight loss.Shelf-life evaluation of HaifaStim™-treated strawberries: minimal weight loss.


Application of HaifaStim™ Promo enhanced multiple aspects of strawberry production:

  • Higher marketable yield with larger, heavier fruits

  • Earlier fruit ripening, allowing for quicker market entry

  • Extended shelf life, reducing post-harvest losses and improving profitability

Adding HaifaStim™ Promo to the nutritional program results in better fruit quality, improved durability, and increased market value—a smart solution for strawberry growers seeking to optimize their yield and profitability.


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