Λίπανση του ρυζιού: Μικρή επένδυση - Μεγάλη απόδοση

Επαναλαμβανόμενα θετικά αποτελέσματα ελήφθησαν στο ρύζι ακολουθώντας διαφυλλική εφαρμογή με Multi-K ™ στο Βιετνάμ


Rice / IR 64

Country / location Vietnam / Mekong delta/ Song Hau State farm near Omon
Objectives Enhanced yield
Haifa product tested Multi-K and Multi-Rice (13-3-43)
Application method Foliar nutrition
Tested treatment Panicle density: 365 units/square meter.
Mean No. of filled grains/panicle: 40.7
1,000 grains weight: 25.9 g
Total yield: 6.66 MT/ha
Grower’s revenue from yield: 130 US$/MT
Control treatment results Panicle density: 365 units/square meter.
Mean No. of filled grains/panicle: 40.7
1,000 grains weight: 25.9 g
Total yield: 6.66 MT/ha
Grower’s revenue from yield: 130 US$/MT
Best treatment results Panicles density: 376 units/square meter.
Mean No. of filled grains/panicle: 54.5
1,000 grains weight: 26.8 g
Total yield: 7.56 MT/ha
Grower’s revenue from yield:  130 US$/MT a
Characteristics of best treatment Yield increase: 0.9 MT/ha (13.5% above control, statistically significant)
Yield quality: mean grain weight was 3.5% larger. (statistically significant)
Cost of treatment (application + material) 27 US$/ha
Net benefit of best treatment 90$
Benefit/Cost ratio 4.3

Same positive results are obtain during the last several years. The application rates are modest but the huge hectarage makes it a target crop niche.

Reference Dr. Pham Sy Tan @ Cuu Long Rice Research Institute & Mr. Pham Van Giang (Astraco)


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