Plant Nutrition Insights

Table 1: Soil phosphorus (P) levels

  Soil groups matched with the phosphorus (P) content and crop group…

How to set application rates

Step 1: Perform a soil test measuring ppm units. The most important two…

Application rates

Soil characteristics and the nutritional demands of the crop determine the…

Farmers' Manual - Haifa Turbo-K™

  Table of Contents   Haifa Turbo-K™ Application Rates How…

Terms of Use – QR Scanner Campaign

1. General Definitions "QR Codes" - Quick Response codes, which are…

Facing climate change effects on agriculture

Everybody talks about the weather. We are doing: Facing climate change effects…


Haifa's food phosphates comply with the regulation of the Israeli Ministry of…

Worksheet 2: Drill Spreader Calibration Calculation

Calculations to determine fertilizer weight (B) for the desired…

Worksheet 1: Drill Spreader Calibration Calculation

Calculations to measure the actual application rate:   43,560 ft2/acre x…

Calibration Calculation

Worksheet 1: Calculations to measure the actual application rate   43,…

Fertilizer Spreader Calibration

Proper calibration assures even and exact nutrition to the crop, saving money,…

Good Application Practices

Equipment handling   To assure proper operation of the spreader, the…