Table 1: Soil phosphorus (P) levels


Soil groups matched with the phosphorus (P) content and crop group demands.

Next: Table 2: Potassium (K) Content

Soil Group  Low  Optimum High
Soil Test P (ppm)
Demand level 1: Soybean, Small grains (excl. wheat), Oilseed crops, Clover
Loamy 10—15 16—20 21—30
Sandy, Organic 12—22 23—32 33—42
Demand level 2: Alfalfa, Beans, Sweet corn, Stone fruits
Loamy 12—17 18—25 26—35
Sandy, Organic 18—25 26—37 38—55
Demand level 3: Carrot, Pepper, Brassicas, Leafy greens, Onion
Loamy 15—30 31—45 46—75
Sandy, Organic 18—35 36—50 51—80
Demand level 4: Potato, Tomato, Tobacco
Loamy 100—160 161—200 >200
Sandy, Organic 30—60 61—90 91—120