Haifa Group's Supplier Code of Conduct

As a leading global company, Haifa Group develops innovative plant nutrition solutions for the agriculture sector while prioritizing our planet’s health. At the forefront of our attention are the ESG principles, to which we are committed in our business.

We conduct our business in honesty and good judgment while complying with different laws, rules and standards of conduct that apply to us in the countries and regions where do our business.

The group considers its suppliers, employees, customers and all stakeholders, full partners in the success in achieving a sustainable future and operating with integrity in every facet of our business. 

Our Supplier Code of Conduct extends across our global network of suppliers and business partners, aiming to create a shared dedication to ethical practices aligned with our own standards. It reflects our commitment to upholding ESG principles that mirror our core values, as outlined in this document.



Haifa Group is dedicated to leading the agricultural sector towards sustainable and innovative practices, ensuring a healthier future for generations to come. 

Haifa's innovative products provide precise plant nutrition while minimizing water and fertilizer usage, greenhouse gas emissions, and pollution caused by traditional fertilizers.

Protection of the environment, environmental impact & Sustainability
In our commitment to environmental protection and sustainability, Haifa Group implements a holistic strategy. We strive to guide both our organization and the broader agricultural sector toward sustainable practices, including production, supply, and product development. As a testament to our environmental responsibility, we innovate unique agricultural solutions to mitigate environmental impact.
In our partnerships, we actively seek out companies that share our values of environmental responsibility and demonstrate a broad commitment to promoting sustainable environmental policies and practices.



The Group prioritizes a respectful, harassment-free work environment for employees, maintaining global standards exceeding compliance to ensure fair employment practices and uphold workers' rights worldwide. 
We value our employees, customers, suppliers, and business partners as our greatest assets, and we are dedicated to ensuring their satisfaction.

Child or Forced Labor & Fair Labor Practices
The group firmly rejects all forms of slavery, aligning with the principles of fair labor practices and standards, particularly concerning child, or forced labor. We ensure that all employees worldwide benefit from quality working conditions and welfare standards exceeding market standards.
We will collaborate with suppliers and business partners who share our values and prioritize fair labor practices, avoiding any engagements that may involve slavery or rights violations.

The group values its employees as essential to its success and committed to maintaining their rights. We ensure equal treatment for all employees, irrespective of religion, race, gender, age, nationality, or beliefs. Equal pay is based solely on professional merit, without discrimination.
We are dedicated to prioritizing suppliers and business partners who align with these values and demonstrate a commitment to fair and equal treatment of their employees.

Safe and Healthy Work Environment
Haifa Group prioritizes the safety and health of its employees, ensuring they work in a secure environment governed by comprehensive safety protocols and standards. We comply with all regulatory mandates and integrate advanced work methodologies and technologies for enhanced safety. 
As part of our commitment, we will prioritize working with suppliers and business partners who provide a safe work environment that supports the physical and mental health of their employees.

Community Involvement
We are firm believers in our ability to effect meaningful change, and so, contributing to the community is fundamental to our group's mission. Our social initiatives redefine our role as active partners in shaping a more equal and inclusive society, fostering strong employee alignment with our values and practices. 
We proactively engage with suppliers and business partners who share our commitment to community betterment and support initiatives that uplift local communities.



Haifa Group maintains high standards of transparency and governance like those seen in public companies, despite being privately held. 
We strictly follow local laws, regulations, and global standards, ensuring ethical values and effective management in all our operations worldwide, going beyond compliance.

Bribery, Corruption & Money Laundering
The group prohibits its employees from accepting benefits from any party directly or indirectly related to the group's business. We strongly oppose corruption in all its forms, rejecting any offers of bribes, favors, or involvement in money laundering. Furthermore, we expect all our suppliers and business partners to follow the same high standards of business integrity.

Anti-Trust & Fair Competition
Haifa Group believes that business competition is essential for ensuring fair trading conditions, creating a healthy business environment, and leveraging competitive advantage. Haifa complies with all competition laws in every country of operation.
We are committed to partnering only with suppliers and business partners who comply with Anti-Trust & Fair Competition laws and maintain global standards.

Privacy & Use of Information
Haifa Group operates in line with the highest information security standards and is dedicated to maintaining business integrity and safeguarding the confidentiality of the information handled by its employees. Information shared for cooperative business purposes is strictly limited to its intended use.

We will engage with suppliers and business partners who follow the same practices of global standards for Privacy & Use of Information.


*Haifa Group retains the right to evaluate supplier compliance and conduct ongoing monitoring. Should suppliers fail to adhere to international principles, engage in misconduct, or demonstrate an inability to implement corrective measures, Haifa reserves the right to terminate the business relationship.