Haifa CEO Shares Vision for the Future of Agriculture in Leading Spanish Magazine


Motti Levin, CEO of Haifa Group, was recently interviewed by InfoAgro, a leading Spanish agricultural magazine, where he outlined Haifa’s crucial role in shaping the future of global agriculture and food production.

In the interview, Motti highlighted Haifa’s dedication to innovation, sustainability, and farmer empowerment. He emphasized the company’s pioneering efforts in precision agriculture, nutrient efficiency, and climate-smart solutions. With a strong focus on research and development, Haifa continually delivers advanced fertilizers and solutions that enhance yields while reducing environmental impact.

He also discussed Haifa’s commitment to sustainability, including its groundbreaking biodegradable coatings for controlled-release fertilizers and the Blumonia™ Blue Ammonia plant, which aims to revolutionize fertilizer production with lower carbon emissions.

At the heart of Haifa’s success is its unwavering support for growers—offering cutting-edge products, agronomic expertise, and digital tools that optimize nutrition strategies.

Read the full interview. 

The interview on InfoAgro site (in Spanish)