In a three-part lecture, turf expert Dr. Adriano Altissimo shares his vast knowledge on growing turf
Highlight topics include:
• Warm season or cold season grasses – which one suits your area
• Avoid "hostile takeover" by one specie when combining several species
• Supply your turf with proper nutrition - Choosing the best turf fertilizer
• Proper turf mowing – the right heights for best results
• In some conditions, turf can recover from severe stress
In each part of the lecture Dr. Altissimo addresses several issues concerning turf management:
Part I: Turf morphology, and the difference between warm-season grass and cold-season grass. Click to watch:
Part II: The effect of climate on different turf species. Click to watch:
Part III: The ideal sowing time in different climates; turf disease; the ways to achieve proper turf nutrition. Click to watch:
• Warm season or cold season grasses – which one suits your area
• Avoid "hostile takeover" by one specie when combining several species
• Supply your turf with proper nutrition - Choosing the best turf fertilizer
• Proper turf mowing – the right heights for best results
• In some conditions, turf can recover from severe stress
In each part of the lecture Dr. Altissimo addresses several issues concerning turf management:
Part I: Turf morphology, and the difference between warm-season grass and cold-season grass. Click to watch:
Part II: The effect of climate on different turf species. Click to watch:
Part III: The ideal sowing time in different climates; turf disease; the ways to achieve proper turf nutrition. Click to watch:
About the Lecturer: Dr. Adriano Altissimo is the owner and R&D manager of Landlab Study Associated, Quinto Vicentino, Italy.
** Choosing the best turf fertilizer **

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