Αύξηση των επιπέδων Ν και Ca στα μήλα

Αύξηση των επιπέδων Ν και Ca στα μήλα

Η διαφυλλική θρέψη με Haifa Cal αύξησε σημαντικά την περιεκτικότητα ασβεστίου (Ca) στους καρπούς των μήλων.


Apple/Jonathan x Gala

Country / location Israel / Golan Height (Northern part) ; summer 2005
Objectives Improve yield and fruit quality (storability and combating ‘Bitter Pit’)
Haifa product tested Haifa Cal GG 15.5-0-0 +26.5
Application method Foliar nutrition
Tested treatment 6 x Foliar feeding @ 0.8% Multi-Cal + 0.025% Triton X-100, at 7 days intervals, starting in mid-June.
Control treatment results Ca content (ppm in DM)  in fruit rind - 647
Ca content (ppm in DM)  in fruit flesh - 447
Best treatment results Ca content (ppm in DM)  in fruit rind - 847
Ca content (ppm in DM)  in fruit flesh - 538
Conclusions Haifa Cal significantly increased N and Ca contents of the apple fruits as compared with the unsprayed control.
Fruit hardness and Bitter pit occurrence were not significantly affected by the treatment.
Reference Yoni Gal, Ministry of Agriculture; E. Yonnay- “Golan Fruits“


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