Crop Guide: Plant Care & Fertigation


  1. Open-field using granular N-P-K fertilizers
  2. Open-field using fully water soluble N-P-K fertilizers and fertigation setup
  3. Nutrigation™ (fertigation)*
  4. Greenhouse and tunnels
  5. Nutrigation™ (fertigation) – by QUANTITIVE* delivery
  6. Nutrigation™ (fertigation) – by PROPORTIONAL* delivery
  7. Soilless grown
  8. Haifa NutriNet™ web software for Nutrigation™ programs
  9. Open-field grown cucumbers on loam (medium) texture soil
  10. Open-field grown cucumbers, for processing, on clay (heavy) texture soil
  11. Tunnel grown cucumbers on loam (medium) texture soil
  12. Greenhouse grown cucumbers on sandy (light) texture soil


5.1 Fertilizers recommendations for a variety of growth conditions

5.1.1 Open-field using granular N-P-K fertilizers

Plant density: 30,000 – 40,000 / ha

Expected yield: 25 – 35 ton / ha




Pre-plant application

Nutrient Demand(kg/ha)*Suggested Fertilizers(kg/ha)*

AN = Ammonium Nitrate (33.5-0-0)

SSP = Single Super Phosphate (0-20-0)

SOP = Sulfate of Potash (0-0-50)

*CaO = may be required if soil and water are low in calcium



Side dressing

Table 5.1: Nutrients demand and recommended fertilizers for side-dressing of open-field cucumbers

Growth stageNutrient Demand(kg/ha/stage)

Recommended Granular

N-P-K-Mg Fertilizers (kg/ha/stage)

Vegetative development5050505280--

Flowering –


Production70023020--2 x 275*

*2 applications of 275 kg/ha each, at 10 days interval.


5.1.2 Open-field using fully water soluble N-P-K fertilizers and fertigation setup

Plant density: 30,000 – 40,000 / ha

Expected yield: 40 – 50 ton / ha


When fields are equipped with fertigation setup, Nutrigation™ (fertigation) is recommended (for details see the relevant paragraph on page 21). When fertilizers are properly soil applied and Nutrigated, the expected yield may be increased by app. 80% as compared to the application of granular fertilizers, to around 40 – 50 t/ha.



Pre-plant application

Nutrient Demand(kg/ha)Suggested Fertilizers(kg/ha)

AN = Ammonium Nitrate (33.5-0-0), SSP = Single Super Phosphate (0-20-0),

SOP = Sulfate of Potash (0-0-50),

CaO = may be required if soil and water are low in calcium.


Nutrigation™ (fertigation)*

Table 5.2: Nutrients demand and recommended fertilizers for Nutrigation™ of open-field cucumbers

Growth stageNutrient Demand (kg/ha/stage)Recommended Fertilizers (kg/ha/stage)
NP2O5K2OMgOMulti-KHaifa MAPANMagnisal
Vegetative development40106010130164260
Flowering –Fruit-set70201404030033-250

*The fertilizers should be applied every 1 – 2 irrigation cycles.


Multi-K™ = Potassium nitrate (13-0-46),

Haifa MAP™ = Mono-ammonium Phosphate, technical grade (12-61-0),

AN = Ammonium Nitrate (33.5-0-0),

Magnisal™ = Magnesium nitrate (11-0-0-16MgO)

CaO = may be required if soil and water are low in calcium.


5.1.3 Greenhouse and tunnels

A – Soil grown

Plant density: 18,000 – 24,000 / ha

Expected yield: 120 – 150 ton / ha

Total nutrients application(kg/ha)

CaO = may be required if soil and water are low in calcium



Pre-plant application

Nutrient demand(kg/ha)Suggested fertilizers(kg/ha)

AN = Ammonium Nitrate (33.5-0-0), SSP = Single Super Phosphate (0-20-0),

SOP = Sulfate of Potash (0-0-50),

CaO = may be required if soil and water are low in calcium.


i. Nutrigation™ (fertigation) – by QUANTITIVE* delivery

Table 5.3: Nutrients demand and recommended fertilizers for quantitative Nutrigation™ of soil-grown, greenhouse cucumbers

Growth stageNutrient Demand(kg/ha/stage)Recommended Fertilizers(kg/ha/stage)
NP2O5K2OMgOMulti-K™Haifa MAP™ANMagnisal™
Vegetative development70201404030033-250
Flowering – fruit-set802002003043033-190

*The application rate is based and a quantity per area regardless of the concentration in the irrigated water.

The fertilizers should be applied every 1-2 irrigation cycles.

Multi-K™ = Potassium nitrate (13-0-46),

Haifa MAP™ = Mono-ammonium Phosphate (12-61-0),

AN = Ammonium Nitrate (33.5-0-0),

Magnisal™ = Magnesium nitrate (11-0-0-16MgO)




In case of soils low in calcium this plant nutrient should be applied from fruit-set until the end of harvest. Rates should be adjusted according to the concentration in the soil and irrigation water.

Total requirement rate = 2–4 kg/ha/day CaO, which can be applied as 11.5 kg/ha/day of Haifa Cal™ 15.5-0-0-26CaO.


ii. Nutrigation™ (fertigation) – by PROPORTIONAL* delivery

Table 5.4: Nutrients demand and recommended fertilizers for proportional Nutrigation™ of soil-grown, greenhouse cucumbers

Growth stageAssumptionsNutrient Demand(kg/m3)Recommended  Fertilizers(kg/m3)

No. of days/


Irrigation rate (m3/ha/day)NP2O5K2OMgOMulti-K™Haifa MAP™ANMagnisal™
Vegetative development30400.
Flowering – fruit-set30550.

*The concentration of applied plant nutrients is unchanged and is constant during the entire irrigation cycle.

The fertilizers should be applied every 1 – 2 irrigation cycles

Multi-K™ = Potassium nitrate (13-0-46),

Haifa MAP™ = Mono-ammonium Phosphate (12-61-0),

AN = Ammonium Nitrate (33.5-0-0),

Magnisal™ = Magnesium nitrate (11-0-0-16MgO)

CaO may be required if soil and water are low in calcium.


B - Soilless grown

Cucumber can be grown in greenhouses on soilless media, such as perlite, Rockwool, peat, etc. When growing cucumbers on soilless media, special care must be taken in monitoring the nutrients that the crop receives, as there is no soil to compensate for the spent nutrients.


The following factors should be taken in account:

  • pH: The pH in the nutrient solution should be maintained at 5.5 – 6.5. The pH can be lowered by the use of acids. Adjustment of pH levels can be accomplished by slight changes in nitrate/ammonium ratio in the nutrient solution.
  • Electrical Conductivity (EC): The EC of the nutrient solution and the root zone should not exceed 2.2 and 3.0 dS/m, respectively. The difference between the EC of the nutrient solution and the drain water should not exceed 1.5 – 2.0 dS/m (depending on the properties of the water supply).
  • Nitrate (NO3): The level of nitrate in the drain water should be 200 – 300 ppm depending on the nitrate level, which changes according the growth stage.
  • Nitrate/Ammonium ratio should not be lower than 5:1.
  • Nitrite (NO2): The level of nitrite should be zero, because its presence in the growth medium impairs root functioning.
  • Ammonia (NH3) and ammonium (NH4): high level of either ammonia or ammonium interferes with the ability of the roots to absorb K.

Figure 5.1: Crop Load on Beit Alpha Cucumber (cv. Sarig), in greenhouse cucumbers.



Table 5.5: Nutrition database for greenhouse-grown cucumbers under Dutch growing conditions:



(reuse drainage)

Plant – dry matter (7-8%)
Nutrient SolutionRoot Environ.Nutrient SolutionRoot Environ.Guiding RangeDeficientExcessive
EC (mS/cm)   
 Concentration (mg/l)(%)
NH422.5< 9.018.0< 9.0   
K in sap    0.59 –0.63< 0.18 
K312.8312.8254.2312.83.13 – 3.91< 2.35 
Ca160.4260.7110.3260.72.41 – 3.21< 1.20 
Mg33.472.924.372.90.36 – 0.73< 0.37 
N, total    4.20 – 5.60  
S, total    0.32  
P    0.62 – 0.93< 0.47 
Na    0.06 – 0.07  
 Concentration mg/L or ppm)mg/Kg (ppm)
Fe0.8380.8380.8381.39683.8 – 111.7  
Mn0.5490.3850.5490.38554.9 – 164.8 > 549.3*
Zn0.3270.4580.3270.45849.0 – 143.8< 26.1 
B0.2700.0540.2700.54054.0 – 75.6< 43.2> 108.0
Cu0.0480.0950.0480.09510.2< 8.9** 
Mo0.048-0.048-0.96 – 9.59< 0.29 

*in old leaves

**in young leaves; in old leaves deficient at Cu < 5.08 mg/kg DM

Important note: The above-mentioned database was prepared to fit Dutch conditions. Minor modifications may be required to correspond to your local conditions.



Table 5.6: Fertigation of soilless grown cucumbers during establishment to flowering stage

Growth stage


Establishment – Flowering

Nutrients concentration in the irrigation water(g/m3=ppm)

Recommended fertilizers


N*PKCaMgMulti-K™Haifa MKP™ANCNMagnisal™
Contents in water**---10020     
Addition by fertilizers15045220-20420200220-210

* 80-90% as NO3-, 10-20% as NH4+

**Based on content in irrigation water 100 ppm Ca and 20 ppm Mg.



Table 5.7: Soilless fertigation of cucumbers during fruit-set to production stage

Growth stage

Fruit-set – Production

Nutrients concentration in the irrigation water(g/m3=ppm)

Recommended fertilizers


N*PKCaMgMulti-K™Haifa MKP™ANCNMagnisal™
Content in water**---10020     
Addition by fertilizers200503004050690220100210400

* 80-90% as NO3-, 10-20% as NH4+

** Based on content in irrigation water 100 ppm Ca and 20 ppm Mg.

Multi-K™ = Potassium nitrate (13-0-46),

Haifa MKP™ = Mono Potassium Phosphate (0-52-34),

AN = Ammonium Nitrate (33.5-0-0),

Haifa Cal™ = Calcium Nitrate (15.5-0-0-26CaO)

Magnisal™ = Magnesium nitrate (11-0-0-16MgO)

Micronutrients should be maintained at the following levels (ppm) throughout the growth period:



(ppm = g / m3)


5.2 Haifa NutriNet™ web software for Nutrigation™ programs

Use the NutriNet™ web software, accessible through our website or directly

at to assist you in working out the recommended fertilizer rates at different growth stages according to the expected yield under your growing conditions.


The following are examples of recommendations for cucumbers grown in different soils and growing methods, as determined by NutriNet™:

A – Open-field grown cucumbers on loam (medium) texture soil

The expected yield is 40 t/ha. Irrigated by drip and the fertilizer application method is:base-dressing followed by side-dressing.


At the first stage, NutriNet™ presents the removed plant nutrients by the crop and the recommended application rates based on the expected yield and the selected growing method (Table 5.8):

  • Growth method: Open field
  • Soil type: loam
  • Expected yield: 40 t/ha



Table 5.8: Nutrient requirements and recommended plant nutrient rates of cucumbers grown in loam soil with expected yield of 40 t/ha

 Plant Nutrient Requirements(kg/ha)
Removal by yield442080108
Uptake by the whole plant1446225719446
Recommended rates1731803349746
Adjusted rates to loam soil1581803609746

The next step allows selecting the methods of irrigation and fertilization. In the following example, the irrigation is by drip system and the fertilization by applying base-dressing followed by side-dressing (Tables 5.9, 5.10 and 5.11).



Table 5.9: Recommended base-dressing + side-dressing plant nutrient rates on irrigated crop by drip

Adjusted rates to loam soil1581803609746
Base dressing (kg/ha)471081447837
Side dressing (kg/ha)133862592311
Total (kg/ha)*18019440310148

*The values in this field take into account the inefficiency factors involved in base- and side-dressings.



Table 5.10: Suggested base-dressing fertilizers* rates to supply the recommended plant nutrients at expected yield of 40 t/ha cucumbers. The N-P-K-Ca-Mg are applied at 30-60-40-80-80%, respectively.


Suggested base dressing fertilizers



Plant nutrients (kg/ha)
Ammonium nitrate (34%)14247    
Superphosphate (25%)432 108   
Potassium sulfate (50%)288  144  
Dolomite (26%)300   78 
Magnesium sulfate (16%)231    37

*Other fertilizers of choice may be introduced to supply the recommended plant nutrients.



Table 5.11: Suggested side-dressing fertilizers* rates to supply the recommended plant nutrients at

Suggested side dressing fertilizers



Plant nutrients (kg/ha)
Ammonium nitrate (34%)141133    
Superphosphate (45%)191 86   
Multi-K (46%)563  259  
Calcium nitrate (26%)88   23 
Magnesium sulfate (16%)69    11

*Other fertilizers of choice may be exchanged to supply the recommended plant nutrients.


B – Open-field grown cucumbers, for processing, on clay (heavy) texture soil

The expected yield is 80 t/ha. Irrigated by drip and the fertilizer application method is:

base-dressing followed by Nutrigation™ (fertigation).

  • Growth method: Open field
  • Soil type: clay
  • Expected yield: 80 t/ha



Table 5.12: Nutrient requirements and recommended plant nutrient rates of cucumbers, grown on clay soil with expected yield of 80 t/ha


 Nutrient requirements(kg/ha)
Removed by yield88401602016
Uptake by the whole plant23910442729974
Recommended rates28723155515074
Adjusted rates to clay soil *26323159815074

The next step allows selecting the type of irrigation and fertilization method. In the following example, the irrigation is by drip system followed by Nutrigation™ (fertigation) (Tables 5.13, 5.14, 5.15, 5.16 and 5.17).



Table 5.13: Recommended base-dressing and side-dressing plant nutrient rates on cucumbers crop irrigated by drip

NPK required (kg/ha)26323159815074
Base dressing (kg/ha) *7913923912059
Nutrigation(fertigation) (kg/ha) **184923593015
Total (kg/ha) ***26323159815074

* The N-P-K-Ca-Mg are applied at 30-60-40-80-80%, respectively.

** The N-P-K-Ca-Mg are applied at 70-40-60-20-20%, respectively.

***The values in this field take into account the efficiency involved in base dressings + Nutrigation™.



Table 5.14: Suggested base-dressing fertilizers* rates to supply the recommended plant nutrients

Suggested base dressing fertilizers



Plant nutrients (kg/ha)
Ammonium nitrate (34%)23979    
Superphosphate (25%)556 139   
Potassium sulfate (50%)478  239  
Dolomite (26%)462   120 
Magnesium sulfate (16%)369    59

*Other fertilizers of choice may be introduced to supply the recommended plant nutrients.



Table 5.15: Suggested Nutrigation™ fertilizers* rates supplying the recommended plant nutrients at expected yield of 80 t/ha

Suggested Nutrigation (fertigation) fertilizers



Plant nutrients (kg/ha)
Ammonium nitrate (33%)11236.8    
Haifa MAP (12-61-0)15118.192   
Multi-K (13-0-46)780101.5 359  
Haifa Cal (26%)11517.3  30 
Magnesium sulfate (16% MgO)94    15

*Other fertilizers of choice may be introduced to supply the recommended plant nutrients.



Table 5.16: Plant nutrients distribution at the various growing stages by fertigation

 Nutrigation (kg/phase/ha)
Growth stageNP2O5K2OCaOMgO
1st growth1362521
Main season10754209179
End season10050196168
Kg suggested *184923593015

*The values in this fields take into account the efficiency involved in Nutrigation™.


















plantingA.N.2no fert.0multi-K2no fert.0no fert.0
1st growthA.N.11MAP10multi-K54C.N.8Mg(SO4)26
main seasonA.N.81MAP89Multi-K454C.N.65Mg(SO4)256
end seasonA.N.75MAP82Multi-K426C.N.62Mg(SO4)250

A.NAmmonium nitrate (34%)

Haifa MAP™ MAP (12-61-0)

Multi-K™ = Potassium nitrate (13-0-46)

C.N. Calcium nitrate (26% CaO)

Mg (SO4)2 Magnesium sulfate (16% MgO)


C – Tunnel grown cucumbers on loam (medium) texture soil

The expected yield is 120 t/ha. Irrigated by drip and the fertilizer application method is by based dressing followed by Nutrigation™ (fertigation).

  • Growth method: Tunnel
  • Soil type: loam
  • Expected yield: 120 t/ha



Table 5.18: Nutrient requirements and recommended plant nutrient rates of cucumbers grown in clay soil with expected yield of 120 t/ha

 Nutrient Requirements(kg/ha)
Removed by yield132602403024
Uptake by the whole plant32314157838297
Recommended rates38827575119197
Adjusted rates to loam soil35527580919197

The next step allows selecting the type of irrigation and fertilization method. In the following example, the irrigation is by drip system also used for Nutrigation™ (fertigation) (Tables 5.19, 5.20, 5.21, 5.22 and 5.23).



Table 5.19: Recommended base-dressing and side-dressing plant nutrient rates on cucumber crop

NPK required (kg/ha)35527580919197
Base dressing (kg/ha) *10716532415378
Nutrigation(fertigation) (kg/ha) **2481104853819
Total (kg/ha) ***35527580919197

* The N-P-K-Ca-Mg are applied at 30-60-40-80-80%, respectively.

** The N-P-K-Ca-Mg are applied at 70-40-60-20-20%, respectively.

***The values in this field take into account the efficiency involved in base dressings + Nutrigation™.



Table 5.20: Suggested base-dressing fertilizer* rates to supply the recommended plant nutrients

Suggested base dressing fertilizers



Plant nutrients (kg/ha)
Ammonium nitrate (34%)324107    
Superphosphate (25%)660 165   
Potassium sulfate (50%)648  324  
Dolomite (26%)588   153 
Magnesium sulfate (16%)488    78

*Other fertilizers of choice may be introduced to supply the recommended plant nutrients.



Table 5.21: Suggested Nutrigation™ fertilizer* rates supplying the recommended plant nutrients at expected yield of 120 t/ha

Suggested Nutrigation (fertigation) fertilizers



Plant nutrients (kg/ha)
Ammonium nitrate (33%)16554.3    
Haifa MAP™ (12-61-0)18021.6    
Multi-K ™(13-0-46)1,054137.1 485  
Haifa cal ™(26%)14621.9  38 
Magnesium sulfate (16% MgO)119    19

*Other fertilizers of choice may be introduced to supply the recommended plant nutrients.



Table 5.22: Fertigation rates of plant nutrients at the various growing stages

Growth stageNP2O5K2OCaOMgO
1st growth1783431
Main season144642822211
End season135602652110
Kg suggested2481104853819



Table 5.23: Suggested fertigation fertilizers rates at various growing stages of tunnel grown cucumbers
















 plantingA.N.1no fert.0Multi-K™4no fert.0no fert.0
 1st growthA.N.12Haifa MAP™13Multi-K™74C.N.12Mg(SO4)26
 main seasonA.N.115Haifa MAP™105Multi-K™613C.N.85Mg(SO4)269
 end seasonA.N.106Haifa MAP™98Multi-K™576C.N.81Mg(SO4)263

A.N. = Ammonium nitrate (34%)

Haifa MAP™ = MAP (12-61-0)

Multi-K™ = Potassium nitrate (13-0-46)

C.N. = Calcium nitrate (26% CaO)

Mg (SO4)2 = Magnesium sulfate (16% MgO)


D – Greenhouse grown cucumbers on sandy (light) texture soil

The expected yield is 300 t/ha. Irrigated by drippers that serve also for fertilizer application by Nutrigation™ (fertigation).

  • Growth method: Greenhouse
  • Soil type: sandy
  • Expected yield: 300 t/ha



Table 5.24: Nutrient requirements and recommended plant nutrient rates of cucumbers grown in sandy soil with expected yield of 300 t/ha

 Nutrient requirements(kg/ha)
Removal by yield3301506007560
Uptake by the whole plant6672931,197698190
Recommended rates8004581,556349190
Adjusted rates to soil type (sand)8004581,556349190

The next step allows selecting the irrigation and fertilization methods. In the following example, the irrigation is by drip system that is also used for Nutrigation™ (fertigation) (Tables 5.25, 5.26, 5.27 and 5.28).



Table 5.25: Recommended nutrients rates applied by Nutrigation™

NPK required (kg/ha)8004581,556349190
Nutrigation– Fertigation (kg/ha)8004581,556349190
Total (kg/ha)8004581,556349190



Table 5.26: Suggested fertilizer* rates supplying the recommended plant nutrients at expected yield of 300 t/ha

Suggested Nutrigation (fertigation) fertilizers



Plant nutrients (kg/ha)
Ammonium nitrate (33%)00    
Haifa MAP™ (12-61-0)7519058   
Multi-K™ (13-0-46)3,383439.7 1,556  
Haifa Cal ™(26%)1,342201.3  349 
Magnesium sulfate (16% MgO)1,188    190

*Other fertilizers of choice may be introduced to supply the recommended plant nutrients.



Table 5.27: Plant nutrient fertigation rates at the various growth stages

Growth stageNP2O5K2OCaOMgO
1st growth60321082413
Main season502266905203111
End season470250849190104
Kg suggested8004581,556349190



Table 5.28: Suggested fertigation fertilizers rates at the various growth stages of greenhouse-grown cucumbers
















 plantingA.N.1no fert.3 13no fert.4no fert.6
 1st growthA.N.27Haifa-MAP52Multi-K235C.N.92Mg(SO4)281
 main seasonA.N.226Haifa-MAP436Multi-K1967C.N.781Mg(SO4)2694
 end seasonA.N.0Haifa-MAP410Multi-K1846C.N.731Mg(SO4)26650

A.N. = Ammonium nitrate (34%)

Haifa MAP™ = MAP (12-61-0)

Multi-K™ = Potassium nitrate (13-0-46)

C.N. = Calcium nitrate (26% CaO)

Mg(SO4)2 = Magnesium sulfate (16% MgO)


Fertilization and fertigation rates may vary according to cultivar, growing method, climatic conditions, growth stages and expected yield. By using Haifa NutriNet™ ( program on-line, you may obtain Haifa’s recommendations most suitable to your growing conditions by selecting the expected yield, growing method and growth stages.


 Need more information about growing cucumbers? You can always return to the cucumber fertilizer & cucumber crop guide table of contents  or the cucumber growth stages