Cucumber crop guide: All there is to know about cucumber crop nutrition & cucumber fertilizer

This thorough crop guide covers all the aspects of cucumber plant nutrition: growth stages, how to grow cucumbers, fertilization recommendation and much more


Haifa's deep understanding in cucumber plant nutrition is fully exploited in this comprehensive crop guide.

Here is a sample of the crop nutrition information you can find in this guide:

  • The optimum time to introduce hives into the field is when approximately 25% of the plants are beginning to flower.
  • The cucumber grows best under conditions of high temperature, humidity, and light intensity and with an uninterrupted supply of water and nutrients.
  • Air temperature is the main environmental component influencing vegetative growth, flower initiation, fruit growth, and fruit quality.
  • Close spacing increases yields, provides more uniform maturity and reduces weed problems. It also results in shorter fruit with a lighter color.
  • Numerous studies have showed a linear decrease in the yields of cucumbers as the salt concentration of the irrigation water increased.
  • Crop yields are highly dependent on N availability to the plant.
  • It has been shown clearly the positive effect of potassium fertilization on cucumber yields.
  • Potassium has a well-known effect of both enhancing plant resistance to pathogens and of reducing the impact of the infection.


  1. General information
  2. Growing cucumbers
  3. Plant nutrients functions
  4. Fertilization recommendations
  5. Haifa's fertilization recommendations
  6. Haifa specialty fertilizers


This guide joins our line of specific crop guides: Pepper, Tomato, Potato, Banana, Citrus, Rice, Olives and Strawberry.

Need more information about growing cucumbers? You can always return to the cucumber fertilizer & cucumber crop guide table of contents  or the cucumber growth stages