Mango Fertilizer - Recommended Fertilization Program for Bearing Mango Trees

Target yield: 30-50 MT/ha

Note: the recommendations brough here should be considered as general guidelines. The actual program should consider the plant status and growth conditions. Consult Haifa agronomist to suit the optimal nutritional program for your crop. 

Growth stage




 Spring flushFlowering to fruit-setFruit growthAfter harvest
Foliar nutrition
ProductPoly-Feed™ 19-19-19+MEPoly-Feed™ 12-5-40+MEPoly-Feed™ 12-5-40+ME 
Application rate15-20 kg/ha10-20 kg/ha10-20 kg/ha 
Spray volume1500-2000 l/ha1000-2000 l/ha1500-2000 l/ha 
Application frequencyOnce2 applications, 14 days apartEvery 14 days, until 1 month before
harvest (2 applications)
23-7-23+ 2MgO+ME
Poly-Feed™ 18-9-27+ME  
for color braking varieties a month 
before harvesting replace 
to Haifa SOP
Total amount per stage100 kg/ha140 kg/ha300 kg/ha70 kg/ha


* To cure and prevent magnesium and calcium deficiencies, apply magnesium (Haifa Mag™ ) and calcium (Haifa Cal™) by Nutrigation or foliar spray.

* Do not apply N fertilizers during fruit ripening for color braking varieties. 

* Total Nutrigation™ seasonal amount: Poly-Feed 23-7-23+ME - 310 kg/ha, Poly-Feed 18-9-27+ME - 300 kg/ha.