Crop Guide: Potato Fertilizer Recommendations

The recommendations appearing in this document should be regarded as a general guide only. The exact fertilization program should be determined according to the specific crop needs, soil and water conditions, and the grower’s experience. For detailed recommendations, consult a local Haifa representative.

Disclaimer: Any use of the information given here is made at the reader’s sole risk. Haifa Chemicals Ltd. provides no warranty whatsoever for "Error Free" data, nor does it warrants the results that may be obtained from use of the provided data, or as to the accuracy, reliability or content of any information provided here.

In no event will Haifa Chemicals Ltd. or its employees be liable for any damage or punitive damages arising out of the use of or inability to use the data included.




  1. General recommendations
  2. Side dressing with Multi-K™
  3. Poly-Feed™ water soluble NPK fertilizers
  4. Multicote™ Agri controlled release fertilizer
  5. Haifa water soluble fertilizers for foliar application
  6. Examples of potato fertilization with Multi-K™ in various countries


3.1 General recommendations

3.1.1 Haifa Nutrinet web software for Nutigation™ programs

Use the NutriNet™ web software, accessible through our website or directly at to assist you inworking out the recommended fertilizer rates at different growth stages according to the expected yield under your growing conditions.

The following is an example of recommendations, found on the NutriNet™, in accordance with the above-mentioned guideline to split the scheduled fertilization into:
a) Base-dressing (pre-plant) fertilizers, followed by:
b) Nutrigation™ (fertigation) at different growth stages, on sandy-loam soil, when the expected yield is 80 ton/ha:

a) Base dressing



b) Nutrigation™

Total amount of fertilizers applied by Nutrigation™




Table 10: The total contribution of plant nutrients from each fertilizer as calculated by NutriNet™:

Ammonium nitrate (34%)351116    
Haifa MAP™ (12-61-0)1441788   
Multi-K™ (13-0-46)859112 395  
Haifa Cal™ (26% CaO)274  7 
Magnesium sulphate (16% MgO)58    9



Table 11: Recommended nutrient rates per ha per day and per growth stage as calculated by NutriNet™ :


PhaseDays fromsowing / plantingkg/ha/daykg/ha/phase
Vegetative growth2-401.560.542.440.050.0561219522
Tuber initiation & bulking41-803.151.084.850.080.11264319434



Table 12: Recommended fertilizers rates per growth stage


Days from sowing

/ planting





Haifa MAP*


Multi-K® *


Haifa Cal*

(26% CaO)



(16% MgO)

Vegetative growth2-4017234207813
Tuber initiation & bulking41-80150704221225


Multi-K™  = Potassium nitrate

Haifa MAP™ = Mono-ammonium phosphate

Haifa Cal™ = Calcium nitrate


3.1.2 Side dressing with Multi-K™

It is recommended to apply Multi-K™ by side dressing in prilled form. It can be done by any surface fertilizer applicator. However, when the soil is too wet, especially in early spring, aerial application is recommended.



Table 12: Soil applied fertilization

Type of potatoesWhen to applyRate kg/ha
Ware potatoes5 - 8 weeks after planting250 - 300 kg Multi-K™ /ha
Early potatoesAfter removing plastic cover200 - 250 kg Multi-K™ /ha

Split into 2 - 4 applications.

First application 20-30 days after emergence

Fewer applications in heavier soils, more in light texture soils.

15 - 20 days interval.



3.1.3 Poly-Feed™ water-soluble NPK fertilizers

Table 13: fertilization recommendations for potatoes. Expected yield: 60 ton/ha

Growth stageDaysPoly-Feed™ formulakg/ha/dayTotal kg/ha
Planting & Establishment3020-20-206180
Tuber initiation2514-7-21+2MgO18450
Tuber growth5514-7-21+2MgO18990



3.1.4 Multicote™ Agri controlled release fertilizer

An N:P2O:K2O ratio of 2:1:3* is recommended, as pre-plant application. This application will take care of the nutritional requirement of the plot for the entire growth season.


Multicote™ Agri granules should be incorporated into the soil, 10cm deep and 10cm away from the planting row.

Consult a local Haifa representative for detailed explanations and instructions.




Table 14: Multicote™ Agri application recommendations for potatoes*


Application rate

% of local practice*

% coated nutrients
Light soil60-701007070-Up to 50
Heavy soil70-901008050-60-Up to 50

* These recommendations refer to areas where nitrogen application rates are not restricted by regulations. If nitrogen application is restricted, calculation of Multicote™ Agri application rates should be based on the full optimum rates that would have been given with no restrictions.



Table 15: Haifa water-soluble fertilizers for foliar application

FertilizerCuring TreatmentRecommended concentration
Haifa Bonus™Potassium deficiency1%  -  3%
Haifa MAP™Phosphorus deficiency1%  -  3%
Haifa MKP™Phosphorus and potassium deficiency1%  -  3%
Magnisal™Magnesium deficiency1%  -  2%
Poly-Feed™N-P-K and micronutrients deficiencySee table below
Haifa Micro™Micronutrients deficienciesConsult Haifa agronomist


Table 16: Recommended foliar feeding with Poly-Feed™ products for boosting crop performances


StagePoly-Feed®Foliar analysisConcentrationSpray volume
Vegetative growth“Vegetative Booster” 21-21-212% - 5%50 – 80 L/ha
Tuber growth“Poly-Potato” 12-5-40Two applications at 2% - 4%50 – 80 L/ha


3.2 Examples of potato fertilization with Multi-K™ in various countries


3.2.1 South Africa 

A. Cape region

Application ScheduleProduct           (N- P2O5-K2O) kg/haNPP2O5KK2O
Before plantGypsum 2000     
Bended at plantingGranular 8-29-20 11305511025295114
Fertigation (Via Central Pivot)
Weeks Applications per weekRate per application 
1 to 413-10-27*275 kg/ha802761133160
Calcium Nitrate150 kg/ha280000
5 to 7Multi-K™260 kg/ha55.200110132
Calcium Nitrate150 kg/ha210000
8 to 10Multi-K™360 kg/ha5400158189
Sub-total Nutrigation™2382761401482

* Water-soluble fertilizer made of Multi-K™ MKP and AS



B. Free state

FertilizersMagnisal™Haifa Cal™UAN4-3-4 (18)Multi-K™KCl
S. G.1.31.481.
0  (Jan-10)      
1 - 5      
97 90100  
10   9550 
11    50 
12    5025
13    1025
14     25



3.2.2. Australia

Soil type: Light (with low phosphorus and potassium)

Note: Nutrients supplied by a base dressing with strategic applications through the center pivot irrigators.



Recommended rates of nutrients

150-250 kg/ha60-110 kg/ha135-250 kg/ha150-200 kg/ha180-240 kg/ha



a) Base-dressing

On silt soils (medium soils) up to 50% of the N and K should be applied as pre-plant and up to 100 % of P applied as pre-plant dry fertilizer *.

50-80 kg/ha60-110 kg/ha135-250 kg/ha50-60 kg/ha60-70kg/ha

* On light (sandy) soils, up to 30% of the N and K should be applied as pre-plant and up to 100 % of the P applied as pre-plant dry fertilizer.



b) Nutrigation™

50%** of N and K are applied through the irrigation system (center pivot)

Time of application

(weeks after emergence)

NPKK2OMulti-K™Ammonium Nitrate

** When 70% of N and K are applied, increase Multi-K™ rate to 55 - 60 kg/application an ammonium nitrate to 90 kg/application.



Nutrient applied kg/haNPP2O5KK2O

Note: Nutrigation™ begins 6 weeks after emergence. If practical, applications can be split and applied on a weekly basis.



3.2.3. Poland

Soil type: Light /sandy

Plant density: 40,000-75,000 / ha

Expected yield: 35-45 T/ha, depending on variety


Average recommended rates of nutrients (kg/ha):




a) Base-dressing


Nutrient RequirementsRecommended Fertilizers

AN - Ammonium nitrate (34%)

TSP - Triple Super phosphate (46%P2O5)

Haifa SOP - Potassium sulfate (50% K2O)



b) Nutrigation™

Based on a weekly irrigation.

Growth stage


Weeks after emergenceNutrition requirement (kg/ha/week)Recommended fertilizer (kg/ha/week)
Vegetative growth1-566    1018 
Tuber initiation6-755    815 
Tuber bulking8-1028 32603.078 58230*
Maturation11-1315 32 3.078 58 
14-16  10 0.822   

If fertilizers are applied by side-dressing, the entire weekly rate should be applied at once. Fertilizers should be placed besides the row.

Multi-K™ Mg = Potassium nitrate enriched with magnesium (11-0-40+4MgO)

Haifa MAP™= Mono-Ammonium Phosphate (12-61-0)

AN = Ammonium nitrate

CN = Calcium nitrate



3.2.4. Israel

Soil application:

Growth stageN rateMulti-K™*P2O5 rate
From planting till tuber initiation70-105 kg/ha---According to soil test or 150-200 kg /ha
At tuber initiation-300-500 kg/ha
10 - 15 days later -300-500 kg/ha

* Optional Multi-K™ Mg



Foliar feeding:

TreatmentFertilizerSpray timingConc.Spray volumeNo. of applications
Improving growthPoly-Feed™ 20-20-20One week after emergence2% - 3%Full coverage2 - 3
Correcting K deficiency

Haifa Bonus™


Two weeks after emergence5% - 8%
Higher yieldHaifa Bonus™ 12-2-44From full canopy5% - 8%



Aerial application:

When there is a need for top-dressing and the soil is either too wet or the field is too large for timely ground application, an aerial application of prilled Multi-K™ is a practical solution. This is especially effective when the soil temperature is still cold, (usually in early spring), so a nitrate application will enable the plant to take up nitrogen at this stage for quick response.


Need more information about how to grow potato? You can always return to the potato fertilizer & potato crop guide table of contents