Haifa Cal™ Prime

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Concentrated Calcium Nitrate

Haifa's new prime grade of calcium nitrate offers multiple benefits for growers who seek the most precise results in challenging growth conditions. With high concertation and near zero ammonium level this new product sets new standards of calcium nitrate.


25 kg PE Bags (palletized), 1000 kg big-bags.
Fertilizer for Nutrigation™ (fertigation) of crops in open field. For soilless culture nutrition and for foliar feeding.

Ideal for soilless-grown crops

In advanced greenhouses where soilless growth media and hydroponics are employed, the pH of the nutritional solution must be carefully balanced. Haifa Cal™ prime is virtually free of ammonium, thus ideal for soilless crops.


Best for zones of high sun irradiation

Accelerated uptake of ammonium by the plant due to intense sun irradiation may result in toxic effects.  Haifa Cal™ Prime assures safe supply of essential calcium with no harmful side-effects.


Grants extra-convenience in handling

Haifa Cal™ Prime is 17% more concentrated than other calcium nitrate products*; therefore application volumes can be significantly reduced while the plants enjoys optimal calcium nitrate levels.  Haifa Cal™ Prime extra convenient to apply by Nutrigation™ or foliar spray.


Total Nitrogen (N) 17.0
Nitric Nitrogen (N-NO3) 16.7
Ammoniacal Nitrogen (N-NH4) 0.3
Calcium soluble in water (Ca) 23.5
Calcium Oxide (CaO) 33.0
Insoluble matter 0.03
Appearance White granules

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