Avocado: Macro nutrients - N (nitrogen)
Small narrow pale leaves that become stiff and slightly inwardly rolled. Growth is stunted with reduced fruit production.
Haifa Solution:
CoteN™ 42-0-0
Urea LB 46-0-0 Multi
Avocado: Macro nutrients - P(phosphorus)
Irregular, interveinal, necrotic spots on older leaves.
Haifa Solution:
Haifa MAP™ 12-26-0
Haifa MKP™ 0-22-28
Avocado: Macro nutrients - K (potassium)
Blackening of vascular bundles of the fruit. Large irregular necrotic spots on old leaves, followed by interveinal chlorisis and smaller fruit size.
The potassium (K) is known to Help regulate avocado fruit acidity , while increasing the oil content in the fruit.
Haifa Solution:
Multi-K™ GG 13-0-38
Poly-Feed™ 10-10-43 + ME
Haifa SOP™ 0-0-42 +18 (S)
Avocado: Macro nutrients - Ca (calcium)
leaves Deformation of the leaf, this symptom is common in highly leached acid soils (pH 4.5).
Interveinal yellowing and narrow dark- green strips along the veins. Symptoms show on young leaves.
Haifa Solution:
Haifa Cal™ 15-0-0+19 Ca
Avocado: Macro nutrients - Mg (magnesium)
Interveinal chlorosis progresses inward from leaf margins and from the tip towards the base of the leaf. Develops first in older leaves.
Haifa Solution:
Haifa Mag™ 11-0-0 +9.6 Mg
Magnisal™ 11-0-0-16 MgO
Avocado: Micro nutrients - Fe (iron)
Interveinal yellowing and narrow dark- green strips along the veins.Symptoms show on young leaves.
Haifa Solution:
Haifa ProteK 0-22-30
Avocado: Micro nutrients - Mn (manganese)
Interveinal chlorosis, with small reddish- brown spots, mainly appear on young leaves.
Haifa Solution:
Haifa ProteK 0-22-30
Avocado: Micro nutrients - Zn (zinc)
Fruit becomes rounded and can aquire a reddish discolouration. Smaller leaves, with shorter internodes which produces a "feather duster" appearance.
Haifa Solution:
Haifa Turbo K™ 14-6-14+1.2Mg
Avocado: Micro nutrients - B (Boron)
Small holes form in the interveinal areas with a narrow pale halo around each hole. In severe cases, necrotic lesions develop on branches and trunk.
Fruit show a wide range of abnormal symptoms like bumps, sickle-shaped growth and sunken corky lesions.
Haifa Solution:
Poly-Feed™ 19-8-15 +ME
Avocado: Micro nutrients - Cu (copper)
The terminal and young leaves are the most affected and are usually smaller than normal leaves. Shortening of internodes and death of growth tips.
Haifa Solution:
Poly-Feed™ 19-8-15 +ME
For more information visit our iron deficiency in plants and soils!