New offices for Haifa Southeast Europe and Haifa South America


Both subsidiaries now have new, modern and welcoming offices, decorated according to Haifa's corporate image


Two of Haifa's subsidiaries, Haifa Southeast Europe and Haifa South America, are now enjoying new and modern offices. The Haifa Southeast Europe, located in Greece, remained at the same address. Haifa South America, located in Brazil, is situated near the old office, and has a great view from the 17th floor. The new address is: 

AV. Brigadeiro Luis Antonio 2504 – 17 Andar. Conj 172
London Trade Center
CEP 01402-001 – Jardim Paulista
São Paulo - SP, Brazil


As can been seen in the photos below, the offices are rebranded and decorated according to Haifa's brand spirit.


The Haifa South America office:


The Haifa Southeast Europe office: