Haifa Blog

Share your experience and take advantage of others knowledge. Haifa blog is your connection with associates worldwide. 
This is the place to share your experience, consult with experts and other growers, present growth results, publish pictures, and much more.

Sustainability is preventing Nitrogen leaching to groundwater – PART II

My last post (24th January 2016) dealt with the impact of nitrogen leaching to…

Trial results: Haifa Bonus™ for higher soybean yield

During the growth season of 2014-2015, a trial was conducted at Centro de…

Sharing Knowledge with Chinese tomato growers

It is always a pleasure to meet growers and share knowledge with. For me, being…

Sustainability is preventing Nitrogen leaching to groundwater

When we think about what can be done to achieve a sustainable agriculture in…

Haifa Israel presented at the Arava Agricultural Exhibition

As in every year, Haifa Israel presented at the Arava Agricultural Exhibition…

Visiting forestry sites in Chile,and the Multicote™ impact

The Chilean forestry industry and is the second largest export sector in Chile…

A successful trial in France - Multicote™ Agri for asparagus

A recent trial show that fertilization with Haifa's Multicote™ Agri…

Know your turf

Turfgrass is unique among crops in that it is the plant grown as a community.…

Visiting growers in China

In an agronomy tour held last week in southern China, we had the opportunity to…

Haifa France held two Haifa Tours in southern France

The Haifa Tour arrives south France and already performed two field successful…

The importance of maintaining the right ratio between cations in plant nutritioz

Each one of the three major Cations in the plant nutrition (Potassium (K+),…

How to optimize crops' growth

The second Haifa U webinar will be held on January 28, 8:00pm (GMT + 1).…