A small investment that leads to big results. Discover the benefit of foliar nutrition with Haifa Bonus

Foliar application is a must when soil fertilization is sub-optimal or ineffective.
In many farming practices most of the fertilizers for the growth season are applied as base dressing. Such practice often result a significant decrease of essential nutrients in the soil during the season. This may affect plant growth, and reduces yield. A mid-season foliar sprays of fertilizers will balance and complete plant nutrition, and help to retain healthy and fruitful growth. A relatively small amount of fertilizers will lead to a dramatic improvement and will get the crops to optimal growth curves. This is a real Bonus. In some cases uptake of nutrients by the roots may be impaired due to low temperatures, water logging, nematodes, or other reasons. Here also, foliar nutrition is a true bonus, offering a beneficial complementary nutrition.
orrective nutrition
Foliar sprays are fast acting and effective for treatin nutrient deficiencies

Foliar sprays are fast acting and effective for treatin nutrient deficiencies
Foliar uptake of nutrients is much faster than root uptake. Therefore foliar fertilization is the method of choice when deficiency symptoms are noted, and prompt correction of deficiencies is required. Nutrients rapidly absorbed through the foliage, providing the plant with the missing nutrients, and strengthening it.

A precise timing of foliar nutrition lead to growth and yield improvement.
Certain phases of plant development are highly important in determining the final yield. A foliar nutrition precisely given during these specific phenology stages ensures optimal growth, and best possible yield. In relatively low concentrations at these critical stages, foliar nutrition boosts physiological processes of the plant, ensures optimal development, and contributes significantly to higher yields and better quality.

Foliar fertilizers activate particular plant mechanisms.
Foliar application of certain fertilizers are known to induce dormancy breaking in grapes and deciduous fruit trees. They are also efficient in stimulating flowering, mainly in mango.
Tips for a successful foliar fertilization
• Spray during the cooler and more humid hours of the day
• Spray when wind is low
• Never spray plants under stress
• Test for possible side-effects or phytotoxicity by a small trial, spraying a week prior to the intended commercial treatments
• After spraying rinse thoroughly the sprayer and all its parts with fresh water
Setting application rates
• Consider both spray concentration and spray volume.
• If you apply smaller (or larger) volume than recommended, increase (or decrease) the fertilizer concentration of the spray solution accordingly, to keep the total application rate per unit of area.
• Avoid concentrated sprays, as they might scorch leaves.
• Plants in areas of humid climate tend to have thinner leaf cuticle, which make them more susceptible to phytotoxcity.
For this reason, spray concentrations must be considered more cautiously in these areas.
Preparation of tank mix
• Fill 1/4 - 1/3 of the spray tank with water. Add the entire amount of the fertilizer(s) and then fill up the tank with water.
• When preparing tank mix that includes pesticides, it is advisable:
- To keep the pH of the spray solution at level of 5.5 -6.5, to avoid alkaline hydrolysis of the pesticides.
Note: In general, Haifa’s foliar products are slightly acidic, requiring lower rates of acid to set the pH of the spray solution.
- To perform a compatibility test of the spray-mix prior to large-scale treatment.